Programming -

Device Manager Does Not Display Devices Not Currently Present in Windows 2000

Device Manager displays only non-Plug and Play devices, drivers, and printers when you click the Show hidden devices command on the View menu to enable it. Devices that are installed but are not currently connected to the computer (such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device or "ghosted" devices) are not displayed in Device Manager, even when you use the Show hidden devices command.

글쓴이 : 유광희 날짜 : 2003-10-13 (월) 15:47 조회 : 1759
Device Manager displays only non-Plug and Play devices, drivers, and printers when you click the Show hidden devices command on the View menu to enable it. Devices that are installed but are not currently connected to the computer (such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device or "ghosted" devices) are not displayed in Device Manager, even when you use the Show hidden devices command.

뭐가 뭔지 글씨 정렬이 안되는군요.
링크를 따라 가시거나..


set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
start devmgmt.msc

아래를 프롬프트에서 입력하십시요.