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SVN Revision 정보 얻어오기

글쓴이 : 유광희 날짜 : 2012-11-30 (금) 15:19 조회 : 23318
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SVN 의 Revison 및 로그를 얻어올 수 있습니다.

파일명 : class.svninfo.php

<? /** * SVN Information Class, SVNInfo * Class to fetch various Information from a SVN Server. * * Simple Example: * &lt;code> * <?php * include "svninfo.class.php"; * * $svninfo = new SVNnfo(); * * $svninfo->setRepository("", "foouser", "barpassword"); * * $currentRevision = $svninfo->getCurrentRevision(); * * // Get the SVN-Log from Revision 1900 to the HEAD-Revision * $svnlog = $svninfo->getLog(1900, $currentRevision); * * // This is also possible: * $svninfo->setRepository("", "foouser", "barpassword"); * $svnlog = $svninfo->getLog(0, 100); * * </code> * * @author Markus Schlegel <> * @author Florian Schmitz <> * @license GNU Lesser General Public License * @version 0.6 * @package SVNInfo */ /** * SVN Information Class, SVNInfo * Class to fetch various Information from a SVN Server. * @package SVNInfo */ class SVNInfo { /** * URL of the Repository * @var string */ var $_reposURL; /** * Username to authenticate to the Repository * @var string */ var $_reposUsername; /** * Password to authenticate to the Repository * @var string */ var $_reposPassword; /** * Header Request Method (PROPFIND, REPORT, OPTIONS, GET, ...) * @var string */ var $_RequestType; /** * Request Body * @var string */ var $_RequestData; /** * Set Repository Connect-Information * @param string $url URL of the Repository * @param string $username User to authenticate to the Repository (optional) * @param string $password Password to authenticate to the Repository (optional) */ function setRepository($url, $username="", $password="") { $this->_reposURL = $url; $this->_reposUsername = $username; $this->_reposPassword = $password; } /** * Set everything needed and send the Request to the SVN Server * @return string Source-Code of the Result */ function _startRequest() { // Init connection $urlinfo = parse_url($this->_reposURL); $host = $urlinfo['host']; $port = 0; if (!empty($urlinfo['port'])) $port = $urlinfo['port']; $schema = $urlinfo['scheme']; if ($schema == 'https' && empty($port)) $port = 443; else if (empty($port)) $port = 80; if ($schema == 'https') $host = "ssl://".$host; $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errorno, $errorstr, 10); if (!$fp) { return ''; } stream_set_blocking($fp, 0); // Build request $request = array(); $request[] = sprintf('%s %s HTTP/1.1', $this->_RequestType, $urlinfo['path']); $request[] = sprintf('Host: %s', $urlinfo['host']); $request[] = sprintf('Content-Length: %d', strlen($this->_RequestData)); $request[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $request[] = 'Connection: Close'; // HTTP auth? if ($this->_reposUsername) { $request[] = sprintf('Authorization: Basic %s', base64_encode($this->_reposUsername . ':' . $this->_reposPassword)); } $succ = fwrite($fp, implode("\r\n", $request) . "\r\n\r\n" . $this->_RequestData); if (!$succ) { return ''; } // Read response $response = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $response .= fread($fp, 2048); } fclose($fp); return $response; } /** * Retrieve the SVN-Log from Revision x to Revision y of the current Repository * @param integer $startRevision First Log-Entry * @param integer $endRevision Last Log-Entry * @return array Array of Log-Arrays (Revision, Creator, Date, Comment) */ function getLog($startRevision, $endRevision) { // some sanity checks if ($startRevision > $endRevision) { $startRevision = $endRevision; } $latestRevision = $this->getCurrentRevision(); if ($endRevision > $latestRevision) { $endRevision = $latestRevision; } // Form Request Body // Information from $request = '_?xml_ version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'; $request .= '<S:log-report xmlns:S="svn:">'; $request .= '<S:start-revision>' . $startRevision . '</S:start-revision>'; $request .= '<S:end-revision>' . $endRevision . '</S:end-revision>'; $request .= '<S:path></S:path>'; //$request .= '<S:discover-changed-paths/>'; $request .= '</S:log-report>'; // Perform a REPORT-Request $this->_RequestType = 'REPORT'; // Include the Request Body $this->_RequestData = $request; // Send Request and fetch the Result from the Server $body = $this->_startRequest(); // Get CDATA from the Log-Elements $versionNames = $this->getElementContents($body, 'D:version-name'); $creatorNames = $this->getElementContents($body, 'D:creator-displayname'); $dates = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:date'); $comments = $this->getElementContents($body, 'D:comment'); if (!is_array($versionNames)) { return false; } // Combine the Data to one single Array $nrentries = count($versionNames); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrentries; $i++) { $creatorName = ""; if (!empty($creatorNames[$i])) $creatorName = $creatorNames[$i]; $comment = ""; if (!empty($comments[$i])) $comment = $comments[$i]; $logentries[] = array( 'version-name' => $versionNames[$i], 'creator-displayname' => $creatorName, 'date' => $dates[$i], 'comment' => $comment ); } // Return false if log is empty if (!isset($logentries)){ return false; } // Return the Log return $logentries; } /** * Retrieve Filechanges to a given Revision * @return array Array of Filechanges (added, modified, deleted) */ function getLogFileChanges($revision) { // Form Request Body // Information from $request = '_?xml_ version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'; $request .= '<S:log-report xmlns:S="svn:">'; $request .= '<S:start-revision>' . $revision . '</S:start-revision>'; $request .= '<S:end-revision>' . $revision . '</S:end-revision>'; $request .= '<S:path></S:path>'; $request .= '<S:discover-changed-paths/>'; $request .= '</S:log-report>'; // Perform a REPORT-Request $this->_RequestType = 'REPORT'; // Include the Request Body $this->_RequestData = $request; // Send Request and fetch the Result from the Server $body = $this->_startRequest(); // Get Modification-Info $modifications = array(); $modifications['added'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:added-path'); $modifications['added_ext'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:added-path'); $modifications['modified'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:modified-path'); $modifications['modified_ext'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:modified-path'); $modifications['deleted'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:deleted-path'); $modifications['deleted_ext'] = $this->getElementContents($body, 'S:deleted-path'); // Return the Log return $modifications; } /** * Retrieve the Revision-Number of a corresponding Date * @return integer Revision-Number */ function getDatedRevision($date) { // Form Request Body // Information from $request = '_?xml_ version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'; $request .= '<S:dated-rev-report xmlns:S="svn:" xmlns:D="DAV:">'; $request .= '<D:creationdate>' . gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.000000\\Z", $date) . '</D:creationdate>'; $request .= '</S:dated-rev-report>'; // Perform a REPORT-Request $this->_RequestType = 'REPORT'; // Include the Request Body $this->_RequestData = $request; // Send Request and fetch the Result from the Server $body = $this->_startRequest(); $datedRevision = $this->getElementContents($body, 'D:version-name'); if (!is_array($datedRevision) || !isset($datedRevision[0])) { return false; } $datedRevision = $datedRevision[0]; return (int)$datedRevision; } /** * Retrieve the current Revision-Number of the SVN Url * @return integer Revision-Number */ function getCurrentRevision() { return $this->getDatedRevision(time()); } /** * Get the contents of each XML element in $xml as array * Usually we wouldn't want to use regular expressions for parsing, but this * particular task can be done reliably with them since the escaping used in XML * is compatible to regular expressions. * @param string $xml * @param string $element without < and > of course * @return array like array('1123', '1234', '1235') */ function getElementContents($xml, $element) { $matches = array(); preg_match_all('|<(' . preg_quote($element, '|') . ')>(.*)</\1>|Uuis', $xml, $matches); return $matches[2]; } }